Sunday 4 May 2008

Re: EU Confiscation of Moneys

Re: EU Confiscation of Moneys

Greater London, Apr 7 -- Over the last 48 hours it has descend to
the attention of the Company that stories consume been emerging on the
Net and in the crusade that EU officials take confiscated moneys from
Sony and Microsoft and which let later been provided to NME to
promote fair competition in the High Definition optical magnetic disk grocery.

This reportage farther goes on to state of matter that 'representatives from both
Sony and Microsoft denied any payoffs to apiece other, merely it's been rumoured
that the money was confiscated by EU officials world Health Organization wanted to boost carnival
rivalry by subsidizing NME, makers of the HD-VMD format.'

In reply to this holocene epoch press out coverage NME would like to accent that
it is non aware of, or party to any such activities by Sony, Microsoft or
any actions by the authorities within the European Sum in this regard.

Geoff Russell, NME's Performing Chief operating officer stated today, "We cannot be sure enough where
these rumours started or wherefore, only to say that we deliver had no contact with
EU Authorities in this respect. However, the NME direction squad cannot
deny that we hold watched the bluing optical maser deliberate with involvement and that
Toshiba's withdrawal changes nada for the bulk of magnetic disk replicators
and Videodisc based OEMs in the mankind, since the capital price and risk of
migrating to blue angel optical maser technologies in a food market that has a finite life is

Economic and reliable production of an HD capable red laser platter is the
rationale behind the development of VMD, and this has straight off been realised.
Please look coverage of the debut of the VMD multilayer optical disc
production facility in Eindhoven in January 2008.

About VMD and Blu-ray

Both Blu-ray and VMD formats offer the capacity required for Senior high
Definition film on a hexad in optical disk; both formats have a grapevine of
players and message hit the mart; however only 1 potty be produced by
the world's stream manufacture base at a consumer-sustainable price, and
that is VMD as it is based on red ink optical maser DVD and largely uses the lapp
production chopine and equipment.

The blue laser initialize has struggled to make headway a market foothold and very
few manufacturers have acquired the equipment needed to farm 'blue'
players and discs. With a market lifetime organism shortened by planet,
cable and download, the significant investment required to bring on them
makes economic viability difficult for manufacturers, particularly in less
confluent markets where the high street price will perpetually have to be often

Around NME

Freshly Culture medium Enterprises Iraqi National Congress. is listed on the OTC BB exchange in the
U.S. under the symbolisation NMEN. NME's HD VMD drives offer the world's first
mickle food market format in true high definition based on current marxist laser
engineering and the existing Videodisc industrial substructure. Incorporating
breakthrough optical storage capacity, red laser-based players, the HD VMD
file arrange, copyright encryption, authoring tools and concretion
technologies, NME is providing the only high quality and high-value
offering for the consumer electronics securities industry. For additional information
about NME, delight visit: hypertext transfer protocol://

Prophylactic Harbour

The 'Press Release' contains forward-looking statements as defined by
the federal securities torah which are made pursuant to the safe harbor
victuals of the Buck private Securities Judicial proceeding See the light Pretend of 1995.
Forward-looking statements may discuss our future expectations, take
projections of our future results of trading operations or of our financial
situation, or state other forward-looking information. However, in that location may be
events in the time to come that we ar not able to accurately foretell or control condition.
Forward-looking statements ar simply predictions that come to to future
events or our future performance and ar
